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Supreme Court

Kagan Nomination Approved By Judiciary Committee

Press Release
Drew Courtney or Miranda Blue
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Kagan received the support of all the Democrats on the committee, but was opposed by all but one Republican member. Her nomination will now go to the Senate floor and is soon expected to receive a vote.

People For the American Way President Michael B. Keegan issued the following statement:

“Today’s vote is a step towards achieving a Supreme Court that understands the way the law affects individual Americans. In her hearings, Solicitor General Kagan made clear that, unlike the current Court, she understands that corporate interests shouldn’t be allowed to run rampant over the rights of individual Americans.

“It’s frankly puzzling that the GOP seems dead set on opposing that principle. Throughout much of the hearings, Republican senators lavished praise on Citizens United v. FEC, a decision that gave corporations unchecked rights to buy elections and which most Americans abhor. Given the national outrage at companies like BP and Goldman Sachs, it’s surprising that the GOP would expend so much breath pining for a Supreme Court Justice who would give even greater deference to corporations while slamming the door on individual Americans fighting for their rights.

“Apparently, the ‘Party of No’ can’t stop from saying ‘Yes’ to corporate interests who want to get their way in the Supreme Court.”
