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People For the American Way Applauds Biden Support for Court Reform

Close up image of the Supreme Court
Press Release
Press Department
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Washington D.C. – Following reports that President Biden will announce proposals for major reforms of the Supreme Court, including an enforceable code of ethics and term limits, People For the American Way President Svante Myrick released the following statement: 

“It’s painfully obvious that this scandal-ridden, right-wing-dominated, partisan Supreme Court can’t police itself and is in dire need of reform on multiple levels. We’re thrilled that President Biden plans to step up and propose changes to fix the problem, including an enforceable code of ethics and term limits. People For the American Way has been calling for reform for years and we’re excited to see what the president’s proposals will be. One thing’s for certain: the Court’s downward spiral has to stop before it does more damage not just to our confidence in it, but to all our rights and freedoms.”      


About Us   

People For the American Way is a national progressive advocacy organization that inspires and mobilizes Americans to defend freedom, justice, and democracy from those who threaten to take them away. For more than four decades, we have been dedicated to making the promise of America real for everyone and have worked toward a vision of a vibrant America where basic rights and freedoms are upheld for all, not just the wealthy and the powerful.  Learn more: