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Wisconsin Recall Round-Up


Greetings from on-the-ground as we count down to the recall elections in Wisconsin!

PFAW prepared to re-launch our ground efforts here this week, with PFAW’s Randy Borntrager and Sergio Lopez stopping in to help Scott Foval, who is starting as the new PFAW Wisconsin Coordinator. They visited the state’s Government Accountability Board on Tuesday, the deadline for the filing of recall candidate signature petitions: photos are posted on PFAW Wisconsin's newly-updated

Facebook page


There are now four Democratic candidates vying to challenge Scott Walker for Governor, and the Republicans have a surprise challenger who has filed to run against him as well. Wisconsin Republicans are running "fake Democrats" against the six Democratic incumbents who are also up for recall, which We Are Wisconsin says may constitute election fraud.

Meanwhile, right-wing darling Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch decided to go ahead and speak before the CPAC Chicago event, even though she might be recalled 3 days before she is scheduled to appear.

News broke this morning in Roll Call that U.S. Senator Ron Johnson is just about to purge his DC legislative staff, possibly half his office, in order to move to a messaging strategy instead of writing good legislation for Wisconsinites. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has tapped Johnson to become the messaging liaison between the Senate Republican Caucus and apparent GOP Presidential nominee Willard Mitt Romney.

BREAKING: Today Wisconsin Democrats have revealed evidence of what they say is proof that WI Gov. Scott Walker held sole hiring and promotion responsibility for the accused felons on his staff in the John Doe investigation.

Looking ahead to next week, is sponsoring Equal Pay Day events on Tuesday, April 17th, encouraging supporters to tell Terry Moulton and Jeff Fitzgerald to stop The GOP's War On Working Women now!

Check out PFAW Wisconsin's updated Facebook pag at and our new Twitter feed @PFAW_WI. We are posting daily on the hot news in the recalls and general elections from now through Election Day.