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What Impact Do I Want to Make on the Future? A PFAW Member's Story

News & Analysis

Each People For the American Way member connects with the PFAW mission in a different way. We hear from members every day who support this work because they are passionate about the fight against right-wing extremism and for democracy, free expression, religious liberty, and equal justice under the law. It’s only through the support of our members that PFAW is able to work towards justice, freedom, and equity for all. This post is the first in a blog series about our diverse network of members, where you will have the chance to hear their stories and learn about why they are committed to progressive values and the People For mission.

Native New Yorker Lisbeth Eng has many interests, from her work at a brokerage firm in Manhattan to her passion for history and literature, reflected in the historical romance novels she writes. She’s also interested and invested in seeing social justice, public education and environmental causes thrive. “It’s important to me to support things I believe in and hopefully do some good in the world,” said Lisbeth.

PFAW’s ideals are what drew her to the organization more than a decade ago. “Preserving the separation of church and state, promoting voter rights and public awareness of the issues, exposing inequities in the criminal justice system…these are all things I care about,” Lisbeth continued. “I became a member of PFAW because it’s a trusted organization that continues to put pressure on the leaders who are making the big decisions in this country. We need to keep what’s good for the planet and the American people a top priority.”

Lisbeth had this in mind when she consulted with her financial advisor to draft her estate plans. She made donations to PFAW through the years when she was able, but wanted to ensure her support would continue into the future. “I’ve been fortunate to work in an industry where I am aware of the many different gift options available and have been able to put some money aside for my retirement one day,” Lisbeth said. “I decided to make PFAW Foundation a beneficiary of my retirement account, which is a simple and tax-efficient way to give because it doesn’t require a change to my will. This way, I can use the assets when I retire, they will continue to grow and eventually will benefit the causes I believe in.”

When asked about her hopes for the future of People For the American Way and those who support its critical work, Lisbeth said, “Stay strong and keep up the good work. The more people are educated about the issues, the more you can impact the overall consciousness of Americans and counter the influence of the far right.” She added, “Each of us should ask ourselves, ‘What impact do I want to make on the future?’ And if you decide you want to support the organizations who are doing what you believe in, seek input from your financial advisors and consider a legacy gift.”