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Supreme Court

These Senators Have Taken a Stand for Our Rights By Opposing Gorsuch

News & Analysis

Four days of hearings on Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch underscored how much of a threat his approach to the law would be for workers, women, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ people. When he wasn’t defending himself for writing harmful opinions—one of which set a 10th circuit precedent that was unanimously struck down by the court he wants to join yesterday—he was conscientiously evaded hard-hitting questions from Democratic senators.

Senate Democrats were not impressed, and a wave of them came out in opposition to Gorsuch today.

All the Senators Opposing Gorsuch

Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI)
Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT)
Senator Cory Booker (NJ)
Senator Sherrod Brown (OH)
Senator Maria Cantwell (WA)
Senator Ben Cardin (MD)
Senator Tom Carper (DE)
Senator Bob Casey (PA)
Senator Chris Coons (DE)
Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (NV)
Senator Tammy Duckworth (IL)
Senator Dick Durbin (IL)
Senator Al Franken (MN)
Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA)
Senator Kristen Gillibrand (NY)
Senator Kamala Harris (CA)
Senator Maggie Hassan (NH)
Senator Martin Heinrich (NM)
Senator Mazie Hirono (HI)
Senator Tim Kaine (VA)
Senator Angus King (ME)
Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN)
Senator Patrick Leahy (VT)
Senator Ed Markey (MA)
Senator Claire McCaskill (MO)
Senator Bob Menendez (NJ)
Senator Jeff Merkley (OR)
Senator Chris Murphy (CT)
Senator Patty Murray (WA)
Senator Bill Nelson (FL)
Senator Gary Peters (MI)
Senator Jack Reed (RI)
Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)
Senator Brian Schatz (HI)
Senator Chuck Schumer (NY)
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH)
Senator Debbie Stabenow (MI)
Senator Jon Tester (MT)
Senator Tom Udall (NM)
Senator Chris Van Hollen (MD)
Senator Mark Warner (VA)
Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA)
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)
Senator Ron Wyden (OR)

(Last updated 4/4, 5:15 p.m. ET)

Momentum is building among Senate Democrats to block Gorsuch’s confirmation, and they need to hear from you!

Call your senator today!

If they’re already opposing Gorsuch, say thanks! And if they’re not, urge them to take a stand and OPPOSE Gorsuch—a judge who sides with corporations over workers and consumers, dismisses women who have been sexually harassed, shrugs off the needs of people with disabilities, and could open the floodgates to even more money in politics. You can reach them by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and asking to speak with your senator.