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The Progressive Happy Hour: Changing the Face of Politics

News & Analysis

Democrats swept the elections this week, and a diverse group of young candidates won big. From Virginia’s Danica Roem, who will be the first openly transgender state legislator, to Melvin Carter, elected as the first African American mayor of St. Paul, Minnesota, these young progressive superstars are changing the face of politics.

In the November 10 episode of “The Progressive Happy Hour,” hosts Christin “Cici” Battle and Drew Courtney sit down with PFAW’s senior director of outreach and public engagement Diallo Brooks to celebrate the election results and strategize about what progressives can learn from them.

Diallo emphasized that activists shouldn’t let their relief about the election results turn into complacency. His advice? “Celebrate, rest a little, and then get back to work.”

Also on the podcast, we hear about Drew’s high school audition for “Anne of Green Gables.”

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