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Rush's Greatest Hits

I couldn’t resist the urge to get in on the rush. (I know, I know.) The latest in the Limbaugh saga: he’s invited President Obama on his show for a “one-on-one debate of ideas and policies.” Although I suspect President Obama would never entertain Rush’s tomfoolery, I thought I’d compile some of Rush’s greatest hits, as recorded by PFAW Foundation’s Right Wing Watch, in case such a conversation were to ever take place. Besides, a little oppo research never hurt – although I’m certain there’s plenty of folks on the job.

Following Katrina, Limbaugh criticized what he described as “entitlement mentality” in New Orleans. Several right-wing think tanks, pundits, and lawmakers followed Rush’s lead with offensive comments. Back in 2006, Media Matters caught Rush Limbaugh blaming the liberal government and UNICEF for the obesity crisis. Limbaugh accused the Bush Administration of “killing the poor with too much food.”  The GOP’s mouthpiece has also encouraged Republicans to deliberately disenfranchise voters:
I mean, you take a look at the average Democrat voter registration drive, you can take for every hundred thousand voters they register, the cumulative IQ would probably be less than a pencil eraser. So when it comes time for the election, half of them can be fooled in saying, "No, it's not Election Day. It's tomorrow, Wednesday." And they show up on Wednesday to vote when the polls are closed, and the Democrats claim a trick has been played on them. That's how stupid some of their voters are.
More Right Wing Watch hits on Rush available here, if you can even stomach this much Rush. Somehow, I think you get the point.