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Protect The Vote in 60 Seconds: People For Action of the Week

Protect the Vote in 60 seconds: People For Action of the Week
News & Analysis

Welcome to People For’s Action of the Week, where we give you one thing you can do to protect our democracy each week. This week, we’re asking you to call your senators and ask them to protect the vote and pass voting rights legislation now! Keep reading to learn more about the threat to our voting rights, how to call your senators, what to say when you call, and how to take your action one step further.

The Issue: Across the Country, Our Voting Rights Are Under Attack

In 2021 alone, more than 400 bills have been introduced in 49 states with provisions that restrict voting access – and 18 states have already enacted laws that restrict access to the vote. This is the most aggressive wave of voting restrictions we’ve seen since Jim Crow – and we won’t stand for it. From the Texas Democrats who left the state to stop anti-voter legislation to airport takeovers in D.C., we’ve seen lawmakers, advocates, and people like you take powerful actions to oppose these attacks on our democracy.

Now, we need Congress to pass legislation that protects our right to vote. We need them to pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Our vote is our voice, and the most powerful tool we have as citizens to effect change in our democracy. We need to act to protect it now. We can’t afford to wait.

The Action: Call Your Senators and Tell Them to Pass Voting Rights Legislation Now

This week, we’re asking you to take sixty seconds to call your senators and ask them to pass voting rights legislation now. Never called your senators before? Don’t worry! We’ll walk you through it. Here’s what you can expect when you call:

  1. Call the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
  2. The automated switchboard will ask you if you’re looking for your House Members or Senators, and then for your state or zip code.
  3. Once you select Senate and enter your zip code, the switchboard will ask you which senator you want to talk to first.
  4. Then, you’ll be connected either to a member of the Senator’s staff or a message service. They may ask for your name and zip code, and why you’re calling. Tell them your name and zip code, and that you’re calling to urge the senator to pass legislation to protect our right to vote now. We’ve got a call script below, if you want to follow that!
  5. Once you’re done, say thank you and hang up! The call is over, and you’ve taken your action to protect our democracy!
  6. Want to take things a step further? Record a video of you calling your senator, and remix, stitch, or duet our Reel with your video! Don’t forget to tag us at @peoplefor_, and tag your senator!
    • Not on Instagram, or want to crosspost to Facebook or Twitter? Just tag us and your senator!

The Resources: Call Script and Senators’ Social Media Handles

Here’s a quick call script you can follow for calling your senators!

My name is                         , and I’m a constituent from                        (your city). I’m calling to ask the senator to pass legislation to protect our voting rights now. We need legislation like the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to make sure our votes are counted and our voices are heard. Please tell the senator that I’m counting on them to protect our vote and pass voting rights legislation now.

Want to tag your senators in a video afterwards? Find their social media handles below!

Senator’s Name State Party Twitter Handle Instagram Handle Shelby, Richard C. Alabama Republican @SenShelby @senatorshelby Tuberville, Tommy Alabama Republican @SenTuberville @sentuberville Murkowski, Lisa Alaska Republican @lisamurkowski @senlisamurkowski Sullivan, Dan Alaska Republican @SenDanSullivan @sen_dansullivan Kelly, Mark Arizona Democratic @senmarkkelly @senmarkkelly Sinema, Kyrsten Arizona Democratic @SenatorSinema @senatorsinema Boozman, John Arkansas Republican @johnboozman @johnboozman Cotton, Tom Arkansas Republican @sentomcotton @tomcottonar Feinstein, Dianne California Democratic @senfeinstein @senatordiannefeinstein Padilla, Alex California Democratic @senalexpadilla @alexpadilla4ca Bennet, Michael F. Colorado Democratic @senatorbennet @senatorbennet Hickenlooper, John W. Colorado Democratic @senatorhick @senatorhick Blumenthal, Richard Connecticut Democratic @SenBlumenthal @SenBlumenthal Murphy, Christopher Connecticut Democratic @chrismurphyct @chrismurphyct Carper, Thomas R. Delaware Democratic @senatorcarper @senatorcarper Coons, Christopher A. Delaware Democratic @ChrisCoons @senatorchriscoons Rubio, Marco Florida Republican @marcorubio @marcorubiofla Scott, Rick Florida Republican @SenRickScott @flsenrickscott Ossoff, Jon Georgia Democratic @ossoff @jonossoff Warnock, Raphael G. Georgia Democratic @SenatorWarnock @raphaelwarnock Hirono, Mazie K. Hawaii Democratic @maziehirono @maziehirono Schatz, Brian Hawaii Democratic @SenBrianSchatz @senbrianschatz Crapo, Mike Idaho Republican @mikecrapo @mikecrapo Risch, James E. Idaho Republican @SenatorRisch Duckworth, Tammy Illinois Democratic @senduckworth @senduckworth Durbin, Richard J. Illinois Democratic @SenatorDurbin @durbincampaign Braun, Mike Indiana Republican @senatorbraun @senatorbraun Young, Todd Indiana Republican @SenToddYoung @sentoddyoung Ernst, Joni Iowa Republican @senjoniernst @senjoniernst Grassley, Chuck Iowa Republican @ChuckGrassley @senatorchuckgrassley Marshall, Roger Kansas Republican @rogermarshallmd @rogermarshallmd Moran, Jerry Kansas Republican @jerrymoran @senjerrymoran McConnell, Mitch Kentucky Republican @leadermcconnell @leadermcconnell Paul, Rand Kentucky Republican @randpaul @senatorrandpaul Cassidy, Bill Louisiana Republican @senbillcassidy @bill_cassidy Kennedy, John Louisiana Republican @senjohnkennedy @senjohnkennedy Collins, Susan M. Maine Republican @senatorcollins @sensusancollins King, Angus S., Jr. Maine Independent @senangusking @anguskingmaine Cardin, Benjamin L. Maryland Democratic @SenatorCardin @SenatorCardin Van Hollen, Chris Maryland Democratic @ChrisVanHollen @chrisvanhollen Markey, Edward J. Massachusetts Democratic @senmarkey @edmarkey Warren, Elizabeth Massachusetts Democratic @SenWarren @senwarren Peters, Gary C. Michigan Democratic @sengarypeters @sengarypeters Stabenow, Debbie Michigan Democratic @SenStabenow @senatordebbiestabenow Klobuchar, Amy Minnesota Democratic @amyklobuchar @amyklobuchar Smith, Tina Minnesota Democratic @SenTinaSmith Hyde-Smith, Cindy Mississippi Republican @senhydesmith @sencindyhydesmith Wicker, Roger F. Mississippi Republican @SenatorWicker @senatorwicker Blunt, Roy Missouri Republican @royblunt @royblunt Hawley, Josh Missouri Republican @HawleyMO @senatorhawley Daines, Steve Montana Republican @stevedaines @stevedaines Tester, Jon Montana Democratic @SenatorTester @senatorjontester Fischer, Deb Nebraska Republican @senatorfischer @senatorfischer Sasse, Ben Nebraska Republican @SenSasse @senatorsasse Cortez Masto, Catherine Nevada Democratic @sencortezmasto @sencortezmasto Rosen, Jacky Nevada Democratic @SenJackyRosen @senjackyrosen Hassan, Margaret Wood New Hampshire Democratic @senatorhassan @senatorhassan Shaheen, Jeanne New Hampshire Democratic @SenatorShaheen @senatorshaheen Booker, Cory A. New Jersey Democratic @SenBooker @corybooker Menendez, Robert New Jersey Democratic @senatormenendez @senatormenendez Heinrich, Martin New Mexico Democratic @martinheinrich @senatormartinheinrich Luján, Ben Ray New Mexico Democratic @senatorlujan @benraylujan Gillibrand, Kirsten E. New York Democratic @sengillibrand @kirstengillibrand Schumer, Charles E. New York Democratic @SenSchumer @senschumer Burr, Richard North Carolina Republican @senatorburr @senatorburr Tillis, Thom North Carolina Republican @SenThomTillis @senthomtillis Cramer, Kevin North Dakota Republican @senkevincramer @senatorkevincramer Hoeven, John North Dakota Republican @senjohnhoeven @senjohnhoeven Brown, Sherrod Ohio Democratic @sensherrodbrown @sensherrodbrown Portman, Rob Ohio Republican @senrobportman @senrobportman Inhofe, James M. Oklahoma Republican @jiminhofe @jiminhofe Lankford, James Oklahoma Republican @senatorlankford @senatorlankford Merkley, Jeff Oregon Democratic @senjeffmerkley @senjeffmerkley Wyden, Ron Oregon Democratic @RonWyden @ronwyden Casey, Robert P., Jr. Pennsylvania Democratic @senbobcasey @senbobcasey Toomey, Patrick J. Pennsylvania Republican @SenToomey @senpattoomey Reed, Jack Rhode Island Democratic @senjackreed Whitehouse, Sheldon Rhode Island Democratic @SenWhitehouse @senwhitehouse Graham, Lindsey South Carolina Republican @lindseygrahamsc @lindseygrahamsc Scott, Tim South Carolina Republican @SenatorTimScott @senatortimscott Rounds, Mike South Dakota Republican @SenatorRounds @senatorrounds Thune, John South Dakota Republican @SenJohnThune @senjohnthune Blackburn, Marsha Tennessee Republican @marshaBlackburn @marshaBlackburn Hagerty, Bill Tennessee Republican @senatorhagergy @senatorhagerty Cornyn, John Texas Republican @JohnCornyn @johncornyn Cruz, Ted Texas Republican @tedcruz @sentedcruz Lee, Mike Utah Republican @senmikelee @senmikelee Romney, Mitt Utah Republican @SenatorRomney @senatorromney Leahy, Patrick J. Vermont Democratic @senatorleahy @senatorleahy Sanders, Bernard Vermont Independent @SenSanders @berniesanders Kaine, Tim Virginia Democratic @timkaine @timkaine Warner, Mark R. Virginia Democratic @MarkWarner @senatorwarner Cantwell, Maria Washington Democratic @senatorcantwell @senatormariacantwell Murray, Patty Washington Democratic @pattymurray @senpattymurray Capito, Shelley Moore West Virginia Republican @sencapito @sencapito Manchin, Joe, III West Virginia Democratic @sen_joemanchin @joemanchin Baldwin, Tammy Wisconsin Democratic @SenatorBaldwin @SenatorBaldwin Johnson, Ron Wisconsin Republican @senronjohnson @senronjohnson Barrasso, John Wyoming Republican @senjohnbarrasso @senjohnbarrasso Lummis, Cynthia M. Wyoming Republican @senlummis @sencynthialummis