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Next Up Victory Fund Convenes Endorsed Candidates, Progressive Leaders for Virginia 2019 Campaign Kickoff

Dolores Huerta at the speaker's podium at PFAW's Next Up 2019 Virginia kickoff event.
News & Analysis

On September 17, PFAW’s Next Up Victory Fund convened 16 Next Up endorsees in Virginia and notable progressive leaders Andrew Gillum, Florida’s 2018 Democratic gubernatorial candidate and PFAW Senior Fellow; Dolores Huerta, civil rights hero and PFAW board member, and former Virginia Gov. and DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe, at a launch event for the 2019 Virginia campaign.

The event raised visibility on the national importance of the Virginia statewide election and gave Next Up-endorsed candidates and Democratic leaders a chance to connect and support one another in the countdown to Election Day.

During his remarks, PFAW President Michael B. Keegan stressed how high the stakes are in Virginia, explaining that “it’s the one state in the country that was decided by one vote [in 2017]. Today, Republican control of both chambers is hanging by a thread, and this November, we’re going to complete the job.” To support Next Up endorsees, Keegan continued, PFAW is “going door-to-door, we’re hosting phone banks, we’re urging members to … give directly [to candidates] and we’re holding events like this one.”

Gov. McAuliffe remarked that PFAW has consistently “been with us every step of the way” and acknowledged that our pivotal work in Virginia goes back to 2012, when we produced “the first Spanish ad ever done in a gubernatorial race” to support McAuliffe in his race against right-wing extremist Ken Cuccinelli.

PFAW created Next Up Victory Fund in 2017 to help progressive young candidates across the country win their races for state and local offices. That year – another critical election year in Virginia – Democratic candidates, including 12 Next Up endorsees, swept the state up and down the ballot. On Election Day, eight of those 12 flipped their seats from red to blue, including Lee Carter, Amanda Pohl, Danica Roem and Kathy Tran, all of whom were in attendance at the event.

In less than two months, Virginia voters have another shot to flip both chambers of the state’s General Assembly blue for the first time in nearly 30 years. Such a victory – particularly in a bellwether state like Virginia – would render a clear verdict rejecting Donald Trump and the Trump-style bigotry that Virginia Republicans continue to embrace.

At PFAW, we know that a Democratic win in 2020 starts at the state and local levels. And  Next Up Victory Fund is building that grassroots movement, electing progressive leaders who look like America and will create progressive change in their communities. Learn more about how you can help volunteer, donate, and support Next Up-endorsed candidates in Virginia now.