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PFAW Takes On Cuccinelli With Spanish-Language Ads


With the election in Virginia less than two weeks away, PFAW is holding Cuccinelli accountable for his record of extreme views and hateful comments. We’ve produced a series of three Spanish-language ads in partnership with the McAuliffe campaign, reaching out to the powerful—and growing—Latino community in Viriginia. Cuccinelli has a particularly outrageous record on immigration, from praising controversial Arizona SB1070-like laws to comparing immigration policy to pest control. The people of Virginia need to know that Cuccinelli holds these disgraceful views, particularly the Latino population, and we’re helping to ensure they’re well informed before they cast their vote.

Take a look at our ads:

¿Qué tipo de persona?" (What type of person?):

This ad showcases Cuccinelli’s own words about immigration, when he compared immigrants to rats: "It is worse than our immigration policy. You can’t break up rat families…and you can’t even kill ‘em."

Tim Kaine/Apoyo:

Tim Kaine explains how Terry McAuliffe has always championed the Hispanic community, including his support of the DREAM Act.

Job Security:

Here, we highlight Cuccinelli’s disgraceful proposal to allow companies to fire workers for speaking Spanish, even on their breaks.

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