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PFAW Members: Trump and DeJoy's USPS Attacks Are Hurting Us!

News & Analysis

Since its inception in 1775, when Benjamin Franklin became the first Postmaster General, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has evolved and adapted to assist the ever-growing population in America. The USPS provides an essential service to all of us: It mails prescriptions to veterans, sends paychecks to American families, delivers goods on behalf of small businesses, and makes sure that everyone has a way to stay in touch with their loved ones. All of the above are especially vital during the coronavirus pandemic.

Today’s Postmaster General, Trump crony Louis DeJoy, has failed Americans and threatened the stability of our elections by working to undermine the Postal Service.

Now, PFAW is mobilizing to save the USPS and, as part of that effort, we’re helping to lift up the personal stories of PFAW members who have been affected by slowdowns at the Postal Service. Here’s a sample of the compelling stories we have heard from our members:


“I am required by my supplemental Medicare insurer to obtain certain diabetic supplies through its contracted mail pharmacy. These supplies (insulin needles and blood testing lancets) no longer arrive timely, and I suffer periods where I cannot measure my blood sugar or take insulin to control my diabetes. Recently, because of these postal delays, I tried to order these supplies further in advance to avoid this gap and was told I was premature and had to wait another week to order. These postal delays are extremely threatening to my health.”

-Mark S., Framington Hills, MI


“I run a business that is primarily internet sales based. I spend $10,000+ annually with the USPS for shipping my products. We've had more delayed, missing, and simply disappeared orders in the past 2 months than we have in the past 10 years. Orders are moving very slowly, or being lost completely. We've seen tracking info vanish. Our own incoming shipments of supplies are delayed as well. This issue is hobbling small businesses at a time when we're already struggling due to COVID-19. We are spending hundreds of dollars weekly to replace lost and missing packages in order to try to keep our customers happy, not to mention the extra hours of customer service time spent answering emails about lost orders and attempting to track them down.”

-Cynthia S., Longmont CO


“First, my life partner has difficulties getting her medications by mail. She is disabled--has very limited mobility. They arrive late--sometimes weeks late. Further, although we pay our bills on time, sometimes bills are delayed and we end up having to pay late fees! $35 is lots of money for women who live on social security! I have called to see what can be done, but most times, the people with whom I spoke said--too bad! We have gone without some things because of this--some food, household items.”

-Miriam B., WI


Has the Postal Service slowdown affected you? Share your story today and let us know.