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PFAW Joins Coalition of Women’s Rights Groups Staging a Vigil to Fight Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

Today, September 4, marks the first day of the hearing on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination for the Supreme Court. As many voiced their concerns around the country over this nominee, representatives from People For the American Way joined a coalition of women’s rights groups and other allies in speaking out against Trump’s latest pick for the Supreme Court.

The peaceful vigil for women’s rights took place in the Hart Senate Office building as the first day of Kavanaugh’s Judiciary Committee hearing got underway. Organizing groups included the National Women’s Law Center, NARAL, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and many more organizations and groups of individuals who came out to demand that their senators vote “no” on Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Brett Kavanaugh’s lower court record demonstrates that, if confirmed, he will vote to turn back the clock on women’s reproductive rights, health care reform, protections against sexual harassment in the workplace, civil rights, environmental protections, and so much more. He’s shown that he would be a rubber stamp for Trump’s lawlessness and corruption, and he could even threaten the ability of the Mueller investigation to do its important work.

All of these factors helped create a broad coalition of speakers, representing a diverse group of individuals all voicing concerns in everything from LGBTQ rights to adequate access to reproductive health. Each speaker held a picture of someone who represented the consequences of what’s at stake in the confirmation for them personally, and shared a personal or professional anecdote as to why Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation would be a disaster to the country.

One of the speakers included Marge Baker, PFAW Executive Vice President for Policy and Program. She explained that a vote for Kavanaugh would be dangerous to the integrity of the Supreme Court and for the millions of Americans who rely on the rights afforded by our nation’s Constitution and laws.

I'm here with a picture of my daughter and daughter-in-law because I want them to have justices who will believe in their reproductive freedom, their right to be free from discrimination and their right to breathe clean air and drink clean water.
–Marge Baker

In addition to the many incredible women in attendance, the coalition was also thrilled to welcome Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who both came out to support coalition efforts to oppose Kavanaugh’s nomination. In her speech, Sen. Gillibrand stated that “its game time and literally every single right and progress we hold dear is on the line.”

This rally will no doubt be just the first of many this week to oppose Kavanaugh’s nomination. With so much on the line with this Supreme Court seat, groups like this will continue to organize and speak out against the Trump’s pick for the Court.