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Organize. Mobilize. Flip the 6th!

News & Analysis

Today PFAW staff Bradley Williams, the digital organizing coordinator, and Rio Tazewell the Government by the People Campaign Manager, are in Atlanta to help organize, mobilize and flip the 6th!

It is more important now than ever that we get the vote out for progressive Jon Ossoff in this tight special election. We don’t need more lawmakers who oppose a livable wage and will support a president who continually advocates for policies that harm our communities and our planet. Enough is enough. Instead we need progressive champions who support the rights of all Americans, which is why we’re down here knocking doors to flip the 6th!

We need all hands on deck right now for this crucial election! We need to make sure that we get people out to vote.  This election isn’t just important—it’s vital for moving our country forward.

How can you help?

These are the 3 things you can do:

Make Calls. Canvass. Share on Social Media.

  1. Make Calls and Text Friends.
    Join us this Saturday for a Color of Change text-a-thon event to engage black members in Georgia 6. ">Find out how to volunteer now.
  2. Canvass with PFAW.
    THIS Sunday to knock doors as we encourage people in GA-06 to get out the vote. ">Find out how to get involved now.
  3. Share on Social Media.
    Tell your following on Facebook and Twitter about your plans to vote in the Georgia 6 election on Tuesday.

We need all hands on deck to make a difference and elect Jon Osoff!

If you want to find out how you can join the resistance in Georgia's 6th congressional district, email Bradley Williams at [email protected].

Update June 19, 2017: More reports from the ground.

"As small business owners we support Ossoff because he will help advocate for black owned business like ours."

- Felicia and Lewis

— PFAW (@peoplefor) June 17, 2017

"I'm voting for @ossoff because he is the leadership we need in Georgia 6th!"

-Denise #FlipThe6th

— Bradley E. Williams (@B_RadWill) June 17, 2017

"We're supporting Ossoff because he's the right candidate to move Georgia 6th forward."

- Indivisible Marietta Chapter

— PFAW (@peoplefor) June 18, 2017

"It is important that we #FlipThe6th and elect Ossoff who will bring forth the change we need in our district."


— PFAW (@peoplefor) June 18, 2017