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Ordinary Americans Not Getting a Fair Shake from Justice Samuel Alito -- And They Know It

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Lilly Ledbetter -- the plaintiff in the pay discrimination case Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and the inspiration for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 (the first bill President Obama signed into law) -- explains how it felt to have her case heard by Justice Samuel Alito in this video interview she gave to PFAW in 2007:

Justice Alito has been called the "most partisan" and the "rudest" Supreme Court justice. He's also "the single most pro-corporate Justice on the most pro-business Court since the New Deal."

Want to read more about Justice Alito's roots, his motivations and how his being on the Supreme Court is proving to be a bonanza for various far-right interests on a growing list of issues?

Check out PFAW Senior Fellow Peter Montgomery's recent piece, "Samuel Alito: A Movement Man Makes Good on Right-Wing Investments."