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On Citizens United 5th Anniversary, Activists Rally Against the Chamber of Commerce

This afternoon, braving freezing temperatures and falling snow, PFAW activists joined a crowd of about 200 to protest against the Chamber of Commerce and the massive amount of dark money it funnels into politics. The event was planned as part of a series happening across the country today to mark the 5th anniversary of Citizens United v. FEC, the Supreme Court decision that gave corporations the ability to spend unlimited amounts to influence the outcome of elections.

Speakers included Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN); Sarita Gupta, the executive director of Jobs With Justice; Rhana Bazzini, an 81-year-old woman who led a march more than 400 miles long across the state of Florida to bring attention to the need for campaign finance reform; and many more. The rally also featured call and response chants, a brass band, and a stirring performance by members from a local choir group.

A central theme among the speakers was the growing movement calling for solutions to big money in politics, including public financing, disclosure, and a constitutional amendment to overturn decisions like Citizens United. Since 2010, millions of Americans have gone on record in support of these solutions, including five million people who have signed petitions calling for a constitutional amendment to get big money out of politics.