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Off To a Good Start: Liberty Counsel Calls Kagan a Liar Before Hearing Even Began


The confirmation hearing for Elena Kagan is just getting under way and so I am going to start collecting statements and reactions and posting them both on the RightWingWatch and PFAW blogs … and we are already off to a good start, as Liberty Counsel is liveblogging the event and, before it even began, accused Kagan of being unfit for the Supreme Court because she is a liar: 

There have been many comments in the media that this appointment will not change the dynamic of the court because Justice Souter’s opinions were very much on the left side of the political spectrum. Kagan’s confirmation would do more than keep a politically left justice on the bench. As apparent in her time at Harvard Law School, Kagan’s ability to change the curriculum shows her ability to influence. A person with Kagan’s radical ideology and means of influence could be dangerous on the Supreme Court. In addition, ethically Kagan has shown that she is not afraid to lie in a confirmation hearing, which brings into serious question her ability and fitness in the practice of law.

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