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NV-Senate: Sharron Angle, like Michele Bachmann, believes there are "domestic enemies" in Congress (among other things)

Sharron Angle, Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Nevada, has said that if Republicans can’t take back Congress, they may resort to "Second Amendment remedies." She has expressed support for eliminating the Department of Education, and like several other Tea Party candidates, has indicated support for phasing out Social Security and Medicare. She’s also echoed founder of the Congressional Tea Party Caucus, Michele Bachmann (R-MN) that there are domestic enemies in the U.S. Congress… and she’s sticking to her story:

In an interview with a conservative talk show host [last week], Angle was given two clear chances to disavow the claim that there are "domestic enemies" within Congress, an assertion she previously expressed unequivocal agreement with. Both times, Angle refused.

The Plum Line has the audio.

Oh yeah, and she’s a Christian Reconstructionist who believes "entitlement programs" like Social Security and Medicare violate the Ten Commandments. Maybe the Tea Party and the Radical Religious Right are not so different after all.