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Maddow Applauds PFAW's Work Monitoring the Right Wing


On her show last night, Rachel Maddow gave an appreciative nod to People for the American Way’s work monitoring the right wing. After reviewing a slew of staggering quotes from conservative talk show host Rick Wiles -- all of which were originally reported by PFAW’s Right Wing Watch -- Maddow said, "God bless the people at People For the American Way who record radio shows like this so we can all enjoy them -- without the apocalypse survival kit equipment ads."

Right Wing Watch, PFAW’s blog dedicated to monitoring the activities of the right-wing movement, has posted almost thirty clips of Wiles in the past six months, in which he has accused President Obama of being everything from a “foreign plant” and a “manufactured person” to a “devil from Hell.” Maddow stressed that extremists like Wiles are now the norm on conservative talk radio, but even more concerning is the connection between conservative talk radio and elected officials. Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) was a guest on Wiles’ show just last week, where he agreed with Wiles that Congress should look into Obama’s “validity.” The intersection of the extreme right with those wielding power in Washington is what makes the work of Right Wing Watch so valuable.