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Lopez’s Tinkerbell Strategy


Kathryn Jean Lopez has a rather staggering column up over at NRO in which she basically announces that she is going to cover her eyes, stick her fingers in her ears, and stop watching any interview with Sarah Palin because she can’t stand to see her continue to humiliate herself any more and laments that Palin’s obvious inadequacies are ruining her fantasies: 

I watch these interviews and I cringe a little. That Russia answer with Couric. Oy. It was a loaded question to be sure. But I thought a certain governor of Alaska had told us this was a time for no blinking. For (Uncle) Sam’s sake. You’re Sarah Palin. You’re governor of Alaska. You’re the mom of five. You’re married to a tough guy. You can handle America’s Former Sweetheart. And yet, you didn’t. She may have come off catty, but you came off hesitant and unprepared. What happened to the pitbull? I see the lipstick.

My guess — based on nothing but hope for a change — is that Sarah Palin just needs some freedom … If Sarah Palin is John McCain’s secret weapon, let her go, whoever is holding her back … But if the Palin we know and love and have projected our hopes for sanity in American politics is the real Sarah Palin — then come out from the shadows, woman.

Lopez pleads with the McCain campaign to just let Sarah be Sarah because “if it turns out that the ‘authentic’ Palin of rallies and the Republican convention is just good speech delivery in a woman with some good spirit, I want to know that sooner rather than later. “ 

Sadly, Palin has revealed herself to be exactly that, but Lopez simply refuses to admit it.

Maybe you just have to clap harder K-Lo.