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Latinos Vote! Releases Ad Featuring Latina Celebrities to Get Out the Vote

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PFAW’s Latinos Vote! released an ad on Monday featuring Latina celebrity icons Gina Rodriguez, America Ferrera, Rosario Dawson, Zoe Saldana, and Eva Longoria to engage Latino voters to get out the vote in this critically important election.

Actresses and Latina activists @HereIsGina, @AmericaFerrera, @rosariodawson, @zoesaldana, and @EvaLongoria came together to urge Latinas to vote on November 6!
Make your voting plan now: #ElectionDay #VoteTuesday #BeAVoter

— PFAW (@peoplefor) November 5, 2018

People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! program targets Latino voters in key states through multimedia ads that put Republicans’ anti-immigrant, anti-Latino policies and rhetoric on full display. For the 2018 midterm election, Latinos Vote! also recorded an ad in English and Spanish featuring acclaimed Latina actress Rita Moreno that encouraged Puerto Rican voters to hold elected leaders accountable for their reprehensible treatment of their homeland after Hurricane Maria. And in a Spanish-language ad targeting Latino voters in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, Latinos Vote! compared Ted Cruz’s divisive plans for Texas’ future with Beto O’Rourke’s inclusive vision for the state. Latino voters have historically not benefited from strategic and early investment from political candidates and campaigns, but their voting bloc holds enormous potential to change the political makeup of counties, states and the country. Ads like these work to mobilize Latinos to vote by focusing on issues that are authentic and personal to the Latino community.