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Jobs Relief for Disabled and Unemployed Veterans: Who Could Object?

This morning, I was pleased to be able to attend an event at the White House where President Obama announced plans to move legislation to encourage employers to hire disabled and unemployed veterans by making tax credits available to the employers when they hire these veterans. The President urged Congress to put aside the obstruction that led to the Republican filibuster of the American Jobs Act and several of its component parts (e.g. funds to provide for the hiring of teachers and first responders and funds to put hundreds of thousands of Americans back to work repairing our crumbling bridges, roads and other infrastructure), and instead to pass this piece of the American Jobs Act.

Prospects for passage of the veterans jobs bill look rosier than previous votes, perhaps because even the Republican obstructionists in Congress will have to admit, that, as President Obama said, it’s time for Congress to "put country before party." It is long past time for the obstructionists in Congress to step aside and let America work for the American people.