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How We Fight for a #JusticeForAll: Write a Letter to the Editor

News & Analysis

How we fight for a #JusticeForAll

We’re at a pivotal and exciting moment for our country and our community: with your help, we’re about to confirm the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. On February 25th, President Joe Biden announced the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Judge Jackson has a clear commitment to the promise of equal justice under law.

Judge Jackson is eminently qualified. She's been confirmed three times to the federal bench, twice without any opposition. On the bench, she has shown her commitment to protecting the rights of all of us, including people with disabilities, workers, immigrants, and freedom of speech.

As a former public defender, she brings to the Supreme Court the perspective of someone who has seen the justice system through the eyes of our society’s most vulnerable. Her lived experience as a Black woman enriches her perspective about day-to-day life in the United States and how the legal system affects people’s rights and lives.

We’re so excited to be in this fight with you. Below, we’ve broken down one of the ways you can take action to support Judge Jackson’s nomination: How you can most effectively spread the word by writing a letter to the editor of your local newspapers.

How to Write a Letter to the Editor

Writing a letter to the editor is a great way to reach a broader audience of people, both who see the world like you and those who don’t. They can also influence public opinion and educate readers.


When you’re ready to write your Letter to the Editor, you can use our simple tool to send your letter to your local newspapers!


Tips for Writing Your Letter to the Editor

  • Keep it focused and to the point.
  • Speak to your shared values. Use unifying language that can bring people into the movement to confirm Judge Jackson.
  • Have a clear point. For example, talk about why we need judges on the federal bench who have a diversity of background and will ensure equal justice for all of us.
  • Reference the problem. For too long, Black women have been shut out of serving on the Supreme Court.
  • Have an example of impact or a personal story. What would it mean to you and your community to have a Supreme Court justice like Judge Jackson, who will bring a new perspective to the Supreme Court and create a more just system for all of us?
  • Have a call to action. Be clear in your call for senators to support the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Sample Letter to the Editor

To the Editor,

I was excited to read [paper’s] recent coverage of the historic nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Judge Jackson is exactly who we need on the Supreme Court.

Judge Jackson is a brilliant lawyer and jurist with nearly a decade of experience on the federal bench. Her lived experience as a Black woman in America and her professional experience as a professional defender give her a perspective that is missing from – and needed on – the highest court in our land.

Confirming Judge Jackson to the Supreme Court will bring us closer to the promise of equal justice for all. This nominee deserves the support of the full Senate, and I urge Senators X and X [your state’s senators] to vote for her confirmation. It will be a great day for the Court and our country when a Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson ascends to the Supreme Court bench.

Thank you,


What’s next

Ready for more? We’ve got even more instructions, from calling your senator to most effectively using social media, available at our full toolkit!

Check it out at