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How We Fight for a #JusticeForAll: Talk to Your Community

News & Analysis

How we fight for a #JusticeForAll

We’re at a pivotal and exciting moment for our country and our community: with your help, we’re about to confirm the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. On February 25th, President Joe Biden announced the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Judge Jackson has a clear commitment to the promise of equal justice under law.

Judge Jackson is eminently qualified. She's been confirmed three times to the federal bench, twice without any opposition. On the bench, she has shown her commitment to protecting the rights of all of us, including people with disabilities, workers, immigrants, and freedom of speech.

As a former public defender, she brings to the Supreme Court the perspective of someone who has seen the justice system through the eyes of our society’s most vulnerable. Her lived experience as a Black woman enriches her perspective about day-to-day life in the United States and how the legal system affects people’s rights and lives.

We’re so excited to be in this fight with you. Below, we’ve broken down one of the ways you can take action to support Judge Jackson’s nomination: How you can talk to your community about Judge Jackson, and why you should.

How to Talk to Your Community About the Supreme Court Nomination

Speak plainly. How has the Court impacted you or someone you know? Have you been able to continue accessing your health care because the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act?

Talk about it. Have you been able to love who you want to love and exist as your full authentic self because the Supreme Court has legalized same-sex marriage? Talk about it. Are you struggling under draconian reproductive rights laws that are trying to take away our power over our bodies? Talk about it.

Our friends, our family, our people need to know what this moment means for all of us - and how they can take that message to the Senate.

Mobilize and encourage your own community to share their experiences. We need to let our senators know who we are and why this nomination matters to us. They need to hear from all our communities about why we need Judge Jackson on the Supreme Court - and you have the power, and are best positioned to, to inspire your community to take action.

What’s next

Ready for more? We’ve got even more instructions, from spreading the message on social media to how to call your senators, available at our full toolkit!

Check it out at