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Falsehoods and Failures: Trump During COVID-19 (5/08 Update)

45's Falsehoods and FailuresL Weekly coverage of Trump during coronavirus (COVID-19)
News & Analysis

The last time the White House held an official coronavirus press briefing was May 1, but that hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from sowing chaos and confusion about the federal government’s pandemic response. This week, he has instead turned to falsely buoyant publicity events to project an image he considers politically advantageous. His unrelenting push to reopen the economy in the midst of still-climbing virus cases is having dire consequences, all while he attacks the media and manipulates government officials to obscure his failures during this public health disaster.

In addition to the ever-increasing death rate in the U.S., nearly one in five Americans have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus-prompted economic downturn, and Trump’s increasingly strident “disaster nationalism” is having frightening consequences for Americans across the country.

As criticism mounts regarding the administration’s calculated failure to protect human life during a crisis in a shortsighted attempt to revive the national economy, Trump has continued to praise himself aggressively. “The one thing that the pandemic has taught us is that I was right,” Trump said at a recent event, “and that includes medicine and other things, you know.” Leaving aside the fact that the Federal Drug Administration has officially cautioned against using hydroxychloroquine – the anti-malaria drug Trump spent weeks promoting – as a treatment for COVID-19, there is ample evidence that Trump has done nothing right in his response to coronavirus.