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Falsehoods and Failures: Trump During COVID-19 (5/01 Update)

45's Falsehoods and FailuresL Weekly coverage of Trump during coronavirus (COVID-19)
News & Analysis

The prolonged social isolation necessary for lessening the spread of COVID-19 is having negative effects on all of us, but Donald Trump’s responses are causing millions of people great harm. This week’s round-up showcases the way that the pandemic has exacerbated Trump’s worst impulses, including dishonesty, self-congratulation, anger, and selfishness.

  • In the wake of Trump’s dangerous comments suggesting the injection of disinfectant into COVID-19 patients last week, he was widely rebuked by allies, public health officials, and the media. After trying to argue that the statement had been “sarcastic,” he finally stepped back from daily coronavirus press briefings over the weekend – only to release a torrent of invective on Twitter that Sunday, claiming that the briefings themselves weren’t “worth the time & effort.” Unsurprisingly, Trump did another about-face when he returned to the briefing podium on Monday and then continued to appear all week. Trump can’t resist the media spotlight for longer than one weekend.

Today is May Day, which much of the world outside of the U.S. recognizes as Labor Day. Around the world, people recognize the contributions, struggles, and sacrifices of the worker on this day, but this year, it unfortunately also serves as a reminder of how badly the Trump administration has failed during the coronavirus crisis. Workers nationwide are taking action to remind the government that leadership needs to do a better job of protecting them, now more than ever. In fact, the repercussions of Trump’s abdication of responsibility extend far beyond our borders, as the world presses on through the pandemic without looking to American leadership as it often did in previous crises, including World War II and the Great Depression.

Trump has no excuse for failing our country, its people, and the entire world at every stage of the pandemic. The best way to hold him and the Republican Party accountable will be at the ballot box, be it remote or in person, come November.