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Concerned Constituents Raise Questions about Judge Neil Gorsuch During #ResistanceRecess

News & Analysis

Last week was an incredible week for #ResistanceRecess. With members of Congress home for the President's Day recess, many activists stood up at local town hall meetings (whether their members did or not) to resist President Trump and the right-wing policy agenda making its way through Congress. They raised critical concerns on topics ranging from the Affordable Care Act to Russian interference in our elections to Judge Neil Gorsuch, President Trump's nominee to serve on the Supreme Court.

In New Hampshire, Senators Shaheen and Hassan were confronted about the gravity of a Supreme Court appointment and the threshold that Judge Gorsuch must reach in order to be confirmed. WMUR reported:

But Shaheen said it will require 60 votes to confirm Gorsuch, noting that she has not yet reached a final decision on how she will vote.

Hassan agreed, saying that despite the GOP denying Garland a hearing, “I think it is absolutely appropriate and right for us to do our constitutional duty and have a hearing” for Gorsuch.

Iowans challenged Senate Judiciary Chairman Grassley on the obstruction that Judge Merrick Garland faced when President Obama nominated him, compared to what the president and Senate Republicans are now asking for on Judge Gorsuch. In Kentucky, Majority Leader McConnell faced pressure from his constituents over his appalling treatment of Judge Garland. Senators Rubio and Tillis didn't face the crowds that gathered in Florida and North Carolina to find out what they planned to do on the Supreme Court.

There are also reports of questions about Judge Gorsuch being raised with Senator Reed of Rhode Island, Senator Murphy of Connecticut, Senators Cardin and Van Hollen of Maryland, Senator Collins of Maine, and Senator Johnson of Wisconsin. Constituents were even raising the issue at a town hall in the district of Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton.

Across the country, local leaders made clear that they are paying close attention to their senators’ plans on a Supreme Court vacancy that could affect Americans’ rights and liberties for generations to come.