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Citizens United Anniversary Actions - In the States


PFAW’s nationwide organizing activities to push back against big money in politics continued last week with events in Iowa and Wisconsin on the 4th Anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. On January 21, activists gathered in Madison and in Des Moines to mark the fourth anniversary with actions to take back our democracy for the people.

In Iowa, more than 50 Iowa For Democracy coalition members gathered for organizing training at the AFL-CIO in Des Moines. Speakers from Public Citizen and other groups led activists in training on how to best work with city and county council boards to pass local resolutions on money in politics issues. Throughout the day, activists practiced strategies and tactics for speaking for meeting with their local officials about diclosure of campaign spending, public financing of elections, the protection of voting rights, and a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and related cases. 

To date, more than 12 individual local resolutions have been introduced or are slated to be introduced across Iowa. Additionally, several attendees of the Iowa Caucuses, held that night, introduced resolution language for inclusion in party platforms.

In Wisconsin, the Money Out Voters In Wisconsin coalition of 32 grassroots member organizations held a press conference to highlight the Citizens United fourth anniversary and to discuss Wisconsin AJR 50, a joint resolution currently in front of the Wisconsin Legislature. PFAW Regional Political Coordinator Scott Foval moderated the press conference, and was joined by Wisconsin State Rep. Chris Taylor (D-Madison); Sarah Lloyd, President of the Columbia County Farmers Union; Ben Siegel, a web developer and small business owner; and Nino Amato, from the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups (CWAG). These speakers shared their views on why passing a constitutional amendment to overturn the effects of Citizens United was so important from the perspectives of farmers, small business owners, and seniors. Rep. Taylor highlighted the delay in moving AJR50 forward due to the reluctance of Republican leadership in both houses to see the measure get an up or down vote. You can view the full press conference below or on YouTube:

Activities continue in both Iowa and Wisconsin around passing a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens Unitedand related cases. You can join in the effort by emailing [email protected] with your name, address, and phone number. A member of our organizing team will follow up to engage you in the effort.