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Ben Jealous in USA Today: Amid Election Chaos, Let’s “Keep Calm, Keep Counting, and Get to Work”


In an op-ed published on Nov. 4 in USA Today, People For President Ben Jealous urges Americans to “keep calm”as every vote gets counted in the 2020 presidential election.

Jealous reminds us that we knew going into the election that it would take time to count every ballot – and that regardless of the outcome, our march toward justice continues. He writes:

“We have felt tired, and beaten down by this administration. Especially now, many of us simply want peace.

But to fall back from the front lines now would be to squander an opportunity that we cannot afford to lose … We have to stay focused on our priorities regardless of the outcome of the presidential race. So much ground has been lost under the destructive Trump administration that we have to push forward now with the same tenacity that has brought us to the brink of a presidential victory.

After the sting of Trump’s election win in 2016, millions of Americans mobilized with courage, grit and a renewed sense of urgency to defend our rights and our democracy … And right now, with the outcome of this historic election still unknown, we can’t be distracted or deterred. We have to take heart in knowing that our goals and our values won’t change, whoever wins. We have to have hope.”

Read the full op-ed here.