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Ask Your Lawmakers to Pass the #DreamActNow: Sample Script

News & Analysis

Time is running out to protect the hundreds of thousands of young people who have relied on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)  program for protection from deportation. Right now over 12,000 DACA recipients have lost their status and an additional 122 lose their protected status every day. Congress has a chance to right this wrong. If DACA ends on March 5, more than 800,000 young Dreamers lose their protected status which includes a work permit and protection from deportation.

Call 1-608-433-0522 to talk to your lawmakers and demand they pass clean Dream Act Now.

Here’s a script you can use:

Hi, my name is [your name], and I’m from [your city]. I urge the [Senator/Representative] to support immigrant youth by doing everything they can to pass a clean DREAM Act without giving into Trump’s extreme anti-immigrant agenda.

Trump has called for billions of dollars of funding for his U.S.-Mexico border wall and new restrictions on family unification in exchange for backing the DREAM Act—an unjust trade-off that puts people’s lives in danger for an agenda steeped in hate.

The clock is ticking and Congress needs to take action now. Please make a call to your lawmakers using the number 1-608-433-0522 and demand they pass the DREAM Act now.