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All Hands On Deck: Stop the NRA’s Colorado Senate Recall!


"Gun rights" extremists have taken the radical step of trying to recall two state senators simply for casting a vote they did not like.

The NRA is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to unseat Senators John Morse of Colorado Springs and Senator Angela Giron of Pueblo for voting yes on common sense gun reform that will help prevent tragedies like the one in Newtown, Connecticut and instances of mass violence that have affected Colorado like the shootings in Aurora and, a few years back, Columbine.

These recall elections are the first of their kind in Colorado’s history and a solid majority of Coloradans are opposed to them. But that might not be enough to beat them, with all the big spending by national pro-gun special interests pouring into the races.

Americans all across the country can help in the lead up to the elections this Tuesday (September 10).

Here’s what you can do:

Thank you for stepping up to make a difference, and to stop the Far Right from exploiting the issue of gun reform for an audacious power grab.