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Activists Send GOP Senators off with a Protest

News & Analysis

Yesterday, we took to Washington DC’s National Airport to protest the GOP’s health care bill as senators left for the weekend.. We want them to hear why the American people recognize this “health care” bill as a horrific tax cut for the wealthy at the expense of low-income Americans and people with disabilities.

We were there with over 100 people protesting a bill that will cut $800 billion of funding for Medicaid,  eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood, and give tax cuts to the rich. This is not what the American people want; would put millions of American lives on the line.

The cries from people all across the country will be heard.  

We also wanted to recognize the bold resistance actions of ADAPT, a national grassroots disability rights organization, that took action inside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office to voice their concerns over this bill. They were dragged out of his office -- some activists were even injured by Capitol Police in the process. We are outraged. This treatment of American citizens protesting a bill that will eliminate their health care is a disgrace.

Next Thursday McConnell has planned a vote on this horrific bill, but we and many other Americans will put out all the stops to make sure it is not passed. Enough is enough!