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About That U.S. Attorney Scandal...


Hey, remember the U.S. attorney scandal? Fishy firings of nine U.S. attorneys in 2006 for allegedly partisan reasons? It was a huge deal when the revelations first broke last year, but since then the mainstream media has, in classic MSM-ADD fashion, largely seemed to have lost interest in covering recent developments.

Well, Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, hasn't forgotten about the firings. And he's my hero of the day for promising the White House that he won't let them escape accountability for any potential wrongdoings.

At the Democratic National Convention yesterday, Talking Points Memo's David Kurtz asked Leahy for reaction to the news that a U.S. district court judge has refused to stay an order that former White House aide Harriet Miers is legally required to testify about the firings.

Leahy had this to say:

"The White House is essentially saying, 'We're above the law; the rest of the rest of the world has to follow the law.' That's not the way it works.

Just because someone works in the White House, they're subject to the same laws as everybody else...

I intend to keep on — and if they're trying to run out the clock to the end of this Congress, I remind them. I'll still be chairman next year."

Not one to expect much from the Bush administration, I'm still a bit flabbergasted that a simple concept like in America, no one is above the law is completely lost on the Bush administration. (Seeing as how escaping monarchical edicts and founding a government of equal citizens is kinda-sorta why this country was founded in the first place.)

Watch Kurtz's talk with Leahy here: