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Supreme Court

A true non-partisan

During her confirmation hearing, Elena Kagan promised not to go into any case rooting for one “team” or the other.

But as Senator Dorgan pointed out today, it sometimes seems that the current court is inappropriately divided into “teams” – and the team that is on the side of the nation’s most powerful interests and against everyday Americans is winning.

During his confirmation, Justice Roberts swore that he would be an “impartial umpire” as Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court – but instead, he’s presided over the most ideologically conservative court in decades, one that bends the law to favor the powerful. We need a truly impartial, qualified Justice on the Supreme Court to make sure that the branch of our federal government that is supposed to be apolitical doesn’t continue to turn a blind eye to corporate lawbreaking. That is just the kind of nominee Elena Kagan is.