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A Time for House Party Action

Last night the energy continued to grow as citizens from all over the country gathered in living rooms, church basements, college campuses and “Occupy” protests to discuss the need for a constitutional amendment to undo the Supreme Court’s ruling that lets corporations spend as much as they want to influence our elections.  US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was the featured speaker during our webcast highlighting the impact the decision will have on our lives and our political system and calling for a constitutional amendment as the remedy.

People For the American Way was one of the proud co-sponsors of the over 200 house parties focused on educating, planning and developing actions in the states. The planning focused on grassroots actions taking place all over the country on January 21, 2012, the second anniversary of the Citizen’s United decision.

Click here to view last night’s webinar. Also visit  to see many of the organizations working to overturn the Citizens United decision.