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A Father’s Day For ALL Fathers

Kudos to President Obama for including families with two fathers in his Father's Day proclamation. And further kudos are due to the president for inviting a gay father to speak at his Father's Day mentoring barbecue at the White House this afternoon.

As reported in Right Wing Watch, CBN's David Brody is very upset about the presidential proclamation. Brody writes that President Obama is "running the risk of alienating networks of pastors and church goers."

To be accurate, Brody should have written that Obama might alienate some networks of pastors and church goers: those who believe in using the force of the state to destroy families who they have a religious grudge against. What Brody and like-minded minions of the Christian Right conveniently omit is that Obama is also guaranteed to please networks of pastors and churchgoers who believe in the equality of all people, who believe in fighting injustice in any guise, and who truly believe in family values.