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"160 Summer" Citizens United Amendment Update

As the movement to amend the Constitution to overturn Citizens United and related cases continues gaining momentum on the local and state level – with 16 states, and nearly 500 cities and towns, including American mega-cities like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, all having formally gone on record in support – we at People For the American Way and our organizational allies are turning our attention to Congress.

In an initiative deemed the “160 Summer,” amendment activists are holding Senators and Representatives accountable to the people they serve and are setting a summer goal of getting 160 members of Congress to sponsor one of the fourteen amendment resolutions that have been introduced so far in the 113th session.

Currently, with roughly a month and a half to go, the number of sponsors stands at 117.  We know we can get 43, but we need your help!  To see where your Senators and Representative stand on the amendment strategy, please visit this website.  Your outreach is always appreciated.