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TheGrio: Critics say Trump’s call to deploy military in Black cities is more than a dog whistle

First published in TheGrio.

Donald Trump in Black & White
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People For National Political Director Markus Batchelor explains the threat that Donald Trump poses to Black and brown communities in advance of the 2024 election.

Political experts say Black and brown communities should have serious concerns after former President Donald Trump renewed calls to send military troops to Democratic-controlled cities to address crime if he were to return to the White House.


Markus Batchelor, national political director at People For the American Way, said Trump’s actions and rhetoric should be enough to show the American public what he is capable of doing if elected back in office in 2024.

“At this stage, he’s telling us what he will do if he’s in the White House again,” Batchelor told theGrio. “I don’t think he’s being coy about it at all.”

The political organizer said that in addition to the threat of militarization in Black communities, Trump poses a broader and very real threat to America’s democracy as we know it. 

“We should be very concerned about the real threat, again, to democracy, to the rule of law, and whether we’ll lose democracy if we elect him into office again,” said Batchelor.

Read the full article at TheGrio.