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Image of Donald Trump giving a speech

Take the Pledge to Vote Against MAGA Republicans!

Take the pledge to vote against MAGA Republicans!

Stylized photo of Donald Trump

As a nation, we continue to witness and experience the erosion of our rights at the hands of MAGA Republicans. Emboldened by the barbaric rhetoric and authoritarian policies of the Trump presidency, many state and local politicians have now taken it upon themselves to enact similar attacks on our rights. From undermining our right to vote, restricting our reproductive freedoms, weakening gun safety measures, attacking the LGBTQ+ community, and weaponizing a core tenet of human decency – respect for others – as “woke” and something that should be admonished.

Make no mistake, these authoritarian MAGA Republicans will be on the ballot in your community and state in upcoming elections. They are going to continue instilling fear and hatred among the American populace in order to gain footholds where they would otherwise falter.

It’s not enough to simply vote against Donald Trump should he win the nomination. The MAGA Republicans he’s enabled pose an enormous danger to the American Way and one that doesn’t go away with his defeat alone. Voters of all backgrounds must vote against Trump and MAGA Republicans like him in all elections, at every level of government.

Please sign our pledge today that you’ll vote against Trump and his MAGA allies on the ballot in 2024 and beyond!



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