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WorldNetDaily Suggests Huma Abedin Contributed To Benghazi Attack

Huma Abedin, a senior aide to Hillary Clinton, has long been the target of a smear campaign by right-wing commentators who claim that she is aiding terrorists and a secret agent of Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood, a myth that made its way into the halls of Congress thanks to then-Rep. Michele BachmannBachmann’s claims, which were echoed by a small handful of her colleagues, were so bizarre and unfounded that they were roundly criticized by her fellow Republicans. 

But lacking evidence hasn’t stopped outlets such as WorldNetDaily from repeating them, as today the conspiracy theory website ran an article, “Hillary’s Top Aide With Terror Sties Saw All Emails,” implying that Abedin had a suspicious interest in information about Amb. Christopher Stevens’ whereabouts in Benghazi.

WND has previously referred to Abedin as the “Muslim Brotherhood princess.”

It was Abedin who forwarded to Clinton’s personal email address details about the initial establishment of the U.S. special mission in Benghazi, updates about security threats to both the mission and Ambassador Chris Stevens, intelligence on the growing terrorist threat in Libya and insider information on the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi.

Abedin was privy to emails that contained the exact movements of Stevens while he was stationed in arguably one of the most dangerous zones in the world for any American diplomat. WND previously reported on Abedin’s personal and family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and other to Islamic supremacists.

The connections not only extend to her mother and father, who are both deeply tied to al-Qaida fronts, but to Abedin herself, as WND previously reported in a series of exposés.

The email stated the interim Libyan government “conducted a raid on a house/storage facility and found and arrested an Egyptian cell reportedly there for the purpose of attacking hotels.”

Despite the threat, the email revealed Stevens “still feels comfortable in the hotel,” meaning the email exposed that the ambassador would continue to stay there.

“They are looking into the idea of moving into a villa, but that is some way off,” the email continued. “Based on discussion with DS yesterday, the hotel remains the safest location.”

Startlingly, the email contained information about Stevens’ exact movements, including that he “will be meeting with MFA in one hour and will make a written request for better security at the hotel and for better security-related coordination.”

Another sent to Clinton from Abedin detailed Stevens’ movements regarding his hotel stay.

A March 27, 2011, email forwarded by Abedin to Clinton contained updates about the plans for the Benghazi mission’s establishment.

Another email forwarded to Clinton by Abedin briefed Clinton about such specific matters as mission staffing and the temporary rotation of personnel at the mission.