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WorldNetDaily Pundit Says Men Should 'Shy Away From Women' To Avoid Feminist 'Harridans'

WorldNetDaily columnist Patrice Lewis, who previously called on wives to submit to their husbands in order to free themselves from feminist oppression, is out today with a new diatribe defending sexist comments posted in response to a separate WND article on rape.

Lewis claims that the people who left such comments are the real victims and are just “tired of being stigmatized merely for possessing a Y chromosome” by feminists who have “made men fearful to be men.”

“[W]omen hold the trump card in our feminized society, and men know it,” Lewis writes. “If I were a man, I’d shy away from women too. What a horrible, twisted, mixed-up world.”

Recently, WND posted an article entitled “You won’t believe new campus rules on ‘rape’” on the subject of how “rape” is being reclassified as any sexual conduct, no matter how mutually consenting.

But it was the blistering commentary that followed the article – well over a thousand comments – that was educational. What astonished me was the level of anger from men. And I mean pure sputtering fury – fury at the arbitrary and unfair feminist societal standards that have been imposed on men to worsening degrees over the last 20 or 30 years. These standards have denied men the ability to be MEN and have turned women into harridans. In short, there was a lot of pain in those comments, much of it from men who are tired of being stigmatized merely for possessing a Y chromosome.

Feminism has made men fearful to be men. It denies them the ability to fulfill their biological programming as protectors and providers, because to do so is “sexist.” Women can, and do, ruin men at the drop of a hat – trash their reputation, deprive them of their employment, rip away their children – all because of an errant word or deed women deem contrary to the feminist mantra. It’s getting to the point where many men hate women because of this.

Feminism has poisoned women against their biological inheritance as nurturers and child-bearers. To be feminine is now anathema to a feminist. To embrace being a wife and mother is betraying the sisterhood. To like men – to genuinely appreciate manly qualities – is tantamount to heresy.

Feminists, having taken over everything from court systems to universities to government, have become drunk with power. Men have learned the hard way what happens when they challenge a feminist. Bluntly put, a man’s life can be ruined by women. A woman can remove his beloved children from his care; she can have him jailed with an unsubstantiated accusation of rape; she can ruin his career by crying harassment because he “looked at her sexually.” And frequently the damage done isn’t limited to just the man under attack. All too often, it’s children who are caught in the crossfire. Children are ripped apart by unnecessary divorce, children are indoctrinated into feminism, boys are treated as criminals because their bodies create testosterone, girls are treated as heroes merely for having two X chromosomes.

In short, women hold the trump card in our feminized society, and men know it. If I were a man, I’d shy away from women too. What a horrible, twisted, mixed-up world.