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WorldNetDaily Pundit Attacks Christians For Encouraging Hispanic 'Invasion'

WorldNetDaily pundit Burt Prelutsky says it is wrong for Christians to care for undocumented immigrants, decrying such actions as treasonous.

In his column today, Prelutsky writes that such Christians are helping Latinos “overrun America by destroying our schools, undermining our economy and over-taxing our social services” and “encouraging one specific group, Hispanics, to invade this nation” in order to “fill their respective pews.”

But he places most of the blame on “homicidal” progressives like President Obama and congressional Democrats who seek to “destroy America” by “weakening our military, alienating our traditional allies, destroying the economy and erasing our borders.”

Prelutsky also calls for Republicans to impeach and prosecute Obama, but then adds the caveat that they should wait because otherwise such moves “would only serve to draw attention away from all the scandals bedeviling the Democrats.”

There are times when I suspect that people like Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Boxer and Durbin, should have their photos on the wall of the post office as suspects in the killing of America. Other times, I remember that all of these people, along with the likes of Elijah Cummings, Brad Sherman, Henry Waxman, Sheila Jackson Lee and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, have all been elected numerous times, so perhaps it’s America that’s chosen to commit suicide.

As many of you recall, a doctor named Jack Kevorkian was generally reviled for assisting the terminally ill achieve a painless death. Some people called him a vulture. I was not one of them. It seems to me that if a person chooses to end his pain and suffering by ending his life, he shouldn’t be denied that which we bestow, ironically, on both our beloved pets and the vilest serial killers.

But some of us aren’t yet ready to go, and we certainly aren’t complacent about the homicidal impulses of the so-called progressives. Everywhere we turn, we see them actively attempting to destroy America. We see them weakening our military, alienating our traditional allies, destroying the economy and erasing our borders. And none of these things is happening accidentally or as the result of unfortunate circumstances.

But it’s not the politicians alone who are guilty of this outrage to our sovereignty. They are aided and abetted by the Catholic and evangelical churches. Priests and ministers collude in claiming they are merely following Christ’s teachings when they collect the illegal aliens, feed them, clean them and then bus them to outlying cities and even other states.

Funny, but I don’t recall reading where Jesus told anyone to overrun America by destroying our schools, undermining our economy and over-taxing our social services. They can put all the lipstick, mascara and rouge they like on this particular pig, but their main purpose in flouting the law and common sense is to fill their respective pews.

As for the liberal politicians who condone this scandalous behavior, I find it peculiar that at the same time they promote diversity – at least when it comes to pigmentation and sexual proclivities – they’re encouraging one specific group, Hispanics, to invade this nation.

For this reason, and so many more, I would like to see Barack Obama impeached. But not now, when it would only serve to draw attention away from all the scandals bedeviling the Democrats. But once the midterm elections are over and the Republicans have taken control of the Senate, I want to see Obama tried for high crimes and misdemeanors. It’s bad enough that this bum has managed to conceal all of his essential documents. But it would be criminal if he didn’t face prosecution for turning the IRS, the FBI and even the U.S. Patent Office into his own personal attack dogs, and for violating both the letter and the spirit of the U.S. Constitution.