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WorldNetDaily Once Again Warns Of Obama Extending His Time In Office

WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie has joined the chorus of those who believe President Obama could be preparing to stay in office beyond the expiration of his second term, writing in a column today that Obama may illegally attempt to hold onto the White House past January.

After discussing the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton is in ill health, Massie warned that “the possibility of the election being postponed” has become “very real.”

Massie wrote that while he doesn’t believe Obama will “usurp power, institute martial law and make himself ‘lord ruler’ in perpetuity,” he does worry that the president will postpone the election, “which opens the door to Obama remaining in office during the period of time it would take for Democrats to position another nominee.” He added that it cannot “be overstated that the enemies of We the People will go to any lengths to deny us the president of our choice.”

Clinton is either incompetent or suffering from the debilitating effects of a brain injury, but she is unquestionably unfit to be president – which raises the question: What happens if she steps down before the Nov. 8 General Election?

According to Article Two of Democratic Party rules, the party defines the steps to be taken to nominate another presidential nominee. This would also include the reconvening of another national convention, which is expensive and could be quite time-consuming.

A greater concern is if the gravity of Clinton’s aberrant dissociative behavior resulted in her being forced to step down as presidential nominee because of pending criminal actions or because she was believed to be or claimed to be non compos mentis (a legal term meaning not of sound mind).

If that potentiality became a reality this late in the race, the possibility of the election being postponed becomes very real. Democrats would need time to reconvene a convention, nominate another presidential nominee and have his or her name placed on ballots nationwide.

A still greater concern is that America is mandated by the Constitution to have a president, which opens the door to Obama remaining in office during the period of time it would take for Democrats to position another nominee.

I know that there are those who are committed to the absurd belief that Obama’s plan has always been to usurp power, institute martial law and make himself “lord ruler” in perpetuity. I disagreed with that scenario when it was first floated in 2009, and I disagree with it now.

There are also the issues of Clinton’s health. It is a gross understatement to simply say Clinton is in poor, if not failing health. The Twittersphere exposed that some in the mainstream media have been using photos from as long as four years ago in a draconian attempt to conceal how sickly and horrid she looks. This happened after her Aug. 31 speech at the American Legion in Cincinnati, Ohio, an event, it should be noted, that she as unable to come close to filling.

The magnitude of the 2016 election cannot be overstated. Nor can it be overstated that the enemies of We the People will go to any lengths to deny us the president of our choice.