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WorldNetDaily Defends Donald Sterling From Racism Accusations

After jumping to the defense of Cliven Bundy, WorldNetDaily is now troubled by the negative reaction to racist statements allegedly made by LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling.

In a column today titled “Thought Police On The Loose,” WND pundit Barbara Simpson complains that allegations of racism against Sterling and Bundy, along with criticism of then-Mozilla CEO Brandon Eich over his donation to the Proposition 8 campaign, are “frightening” signs that America is embracing Nazism.

She laments: “Sad, isn’t it, when truth is considered ‘offensive’?”

Say the “N” word, and you’re finished – unless, of course you’re a person of color who claims dibs on the use of that word, anytime, anywhere.

Say something that even smacks of criticism of people of any other color than white, or any other nationality than American, or any status other than legal American citizen – and you’re finished professionally and otherwise.

Say something that indicates you do not go along with the party line about total acceptance of anything gay, and you will find you do not have the right to participate in our current culture.

It’s not hard to find examples, which in itself, is frightening.

But as of Saturday night, the identities of the voices were not verified. Who are they?


Let’s see.

We don’t know where the recording came from. An illegal taping of a phone call? If so, who recorded it and who gave it to TMZ? More importantly, why?

Was it to jeopardize the outcome of the playoffs – in essence, throw the series? No doubt there’s a lot of money riding on the games.

Then there’s Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who was the target of government overkill, in more ways than one, to get him off his land.

In an interview with the New York Times, he was selectively quoted in a way that portrayed him as – guess – racist!


Because he recollected what government housing for blacks was years ago and what has happened to them since, and related that to slavery.

Funny, I said that on my KSFO talk show years ago – just looking at the dependence of so many blacks on Uncle’s largesse is comparable to being a slave to the government. You do what you’re told, or you get nothing.

He spoke of the breakdown of black families, the number of single parent families, the high incidence of black abortions, the number of blacks in prison, unemployment and dropout levels.

All illustrate a breakdown of black culture because of government dependence.

No, it’s not “slavery,” but it really is, just with a different face.

Sad, isn’t it, when truth is considered “offensive”?

If people don’t go along with the “accepted” view on anything controversial, you’re fair game to be denounced, insulted and deprived of your property and your career.

We’re not on a slippery slope; we’ve slid nearly to the bottom.

When the government gets full control of all the information in our medical, school, IRS and all other records, we will have no privacy or secrets, we’ll not be permitted to think anything the government doesn’t first approve and we’ll have turned into a regime Hitler could only have dreamed about.