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WorldNetDaily Continues Effort To Expose 'Fairy' Obama's Gay Secret

WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie says he is deeply troubled that one of his friends criticized his use of the word “fairy” to describe President Obama, a criticism which Massie is treating as a grave attack on his freedom of speech.

But rest assured, Massie tells readers that he will never “accept that my using the words such as ‘fairy, niggardly, heathen, pagan,’ ad nauseum [sic] are injurious to homosexuals, blacks and Muslims.”

Massie adds that the same friend who rebuked his choice of words also has “information” that Obama “remains a closet homosexual using family as his ‘beard.’”

WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi has also repeatedly suggested that the president is secretly gay.

Political correctness is the bludgeon cultural Marxists wield to demagogue the craven into obedience. It is the meme employed that ensures the acceptable form of social engineering. I reject “political correctness” in all of its constructs and have pledged to myself that I will never succumb to what amounts to a veiled unconstitutional attempt to enslave the nation on a plantation of forced group think, group speak and group behavior.

Such was the gist of a conversation I recently had with Susan Highfield. She suffered under the fallacious idea that certain speech was permissible only for her to use. She said: “Mychal, I hate the man [i.e., Obama] … but only a homosexual like myself can be calling him a … fairy. Otherwise it’s a derogatory statement against [homosexual] people. With all due respect, I’m pretty sure you understand.” She continued by saying, “calling him a fairy is basically hate speech.” Apparently, Ms. Highfield neglected to note that it was me she was speaking to and failed to consider my rejection of such asinine reasoning. I explained to her that “I refuse to have speech privatized … nor do I subscribe to the myth that homosexuals are harmed” by individuals using proper grammar as it was intended because they do not like it.

Highfield was attempting to silence any potential criticism and/or rejection of her chosen lifestyle in the same way Muslims attempt to detract attention away from their passive acceptance of the horrors inflicted the world over by those claiming allegiance to their so-called religion. It is also the weapon used to intimidate and silence criticism of Obama.


The word “fairy” as I intended it is defined by the Urban Dictionary as “a male who acts slightly feminine but not necessarily means that they are gay.” Thus my response to Highfield, questioning whether she had seen the photos of Obama on a bicycle or throwing a baseball, which cemented my usage of “fairy” to describe him.


Highfield claimed she was “disappointed” because I wasn’t “focusing on the fact that Obama is an impostor by attempting to pass himself off as a heterosexual, with a wife and children when its been uncovered that he is indeed a homosexual.” This was the source of her anger over Obama – and as she also commented, she was upset because “what he’s done to this country is liable to take a couple of generations to fix.”

Yet her angst with me is that I called him a “fairy” – while her angst with him was that, according to the information she apparently has access to, he remains a closet homosexual using family as his “beard.”

I refuse to accept that my using the words such as “fairy, niggardly, heathen, pagan,” ad nauseum are injurious to homosexuals, blacks and Muslims. Nor will I be bullied into accepting a contrived lexicon that is inherently illiterate and dishonest and serves only to promote that which is antithetical to everything I believe.