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WorldNetDaily: African Americans Worse Off Now Than Under Slavery, Jim Crow

WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie has a message for African Americans that he says most of them “are too blind, dumb and ignorant to understand,” writing today that “blacks are worse off today, morally and spiritually, than at any other time in their history in America.”

According to Massie, affirmative action and the 1964 Civil Rights Act destroyed the black community to the point that African Americans were better off under slavery and Jim Crow.

I argue there is no greater form of racism and bigotry than race-based “affirmative action.” It is promulgated by self-serving neo-Leninist liberals who believe themselves superior and who look upon blacks as being inferior. Their bigotry implies that blacks cannot succeed or accomplish anything worthwhile in life without their help.

Many blacks have ignorantly embraced race-based affirmative action as justified punishment of white people, whom they view as their oppressors. But what these same blacks are blind to is what race-based affirmative action has reduced them to.

Neo-Leninist liberals in their bigoted pomposity have orchestrated a pogrom of such magnitude as to destroy the sense of purpose and sense of true self-worth in the majority of blacks today. Neo-Leninists have successfully blinded many blacks to the importance of their embracing modernity.

Before neo-Leninist liberals decided to foment despair, discord and animosity for the purpose of prostituting immiseration and self-defeatism, blacks not only embraced modernity but they relentlessly pursued it.

At the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 87 percent of black homes were married, two-parent homes, and 40 percent of blacks were business owners. But 50 years after the signing of the Civil Rights Act, 49 years after the introduction of the Great Society initiatives and 46 years after the introduction of race-based affirmative action, blacks disproportionately represent practically every undesirable category.

But don’t tell blacks that, because the majority are too blind, dumb and ignorant to understand this. There was a time blacks embraced being Americans and the virtues of same; but that mindset has ultimately taken a backseat to the shrill invidious voices of those who preach the vitriolic heterodoxies of Marxism.

In the final analysis, blacks are worse off today, morally and spiritually, than at any other time in their history in America. Over the past 50 years, as other Americans have progressed, blacks as an aggregate have regressed in a horrific way.

Maybe it is time blacks began thinking about embracing the message that has enabled all others to move into the present juxtaposed to the neo-Leninist liberal message of “You can’t make it without our help” that has relegated the minds and spirits of too many blacks to the bottom of life.