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WND's DJ Dolce Takes the Low Road

Yesterday a couple other sites that monitor the radical right picked up on an offensive old episode of WorldNetDaily’s weird comedy news show “News! News!”. The show’s host, DJ Dolce, clarified to her audience that, while racial slurs are unacceptable, homophobic slurs are perfectly OK:

This is far from DJ Dolce’s only anti-gay moment. In one charming episode, she jokes that anyone who believes gays should have the right to adopt or even babysit children is “walking proof that homosexuality is a mental disorder.” The comedienne frequently manages to work in a homophobic remark or two to augment her already odious comments about liberals, immigrants, and atheists. This morning, for example, Joe.My.God highlighted the comedienne’s rant against Latino immigrants from May, in which she called the boycott against Arizona businesses “the gayest attempt at liberal activism since the coffee party.”

Box Turtle Bulletin’s Timothy Kincaid put his finger on why this is so troubling:

World Net Daily makes no bones about being virulently anti-gay. However, most anti-gays make at least a shallow attempt not to say, “we don’t hate” and try to keep their language – in public – from including the worst slurs.

But it looks like WND has given up all pretenses.

WND has a recurring “comedy” feature called News! News! with D.J. Dolce, WorldNetDaily Exclusive Commentary. Dolce, the wife of Molotov Mitchell, shares her husband’s contempt for gay people. But while he masks his animus in religion (he endorses the death penalty for gay people using Scripture), Dolce just engages in slurs and endorses bigotry.

…It’s been a while since I’ve seen hatred expressed to blatantly in public.