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WND: You Can't Be Christian And Support Obama

WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie is quite sure that President Obama is a Satanic, Antichrist figure who has the power to turn people gay, and is baffled that many Christians voted for him despite his “support for murdering unborn children” and “the contamination of our military with the practice of open homosexuality.”

Since Massie believes he gets to decide who is a Christian and who is not, he thinks that the only way someone could back “a mendacious liar, an advocate of murdering unborn children, an advocate of homosexual intercourse,” is due to race: “Black people and black ministers specifically, and pretend-to-be Christians in general, look at the color of Obama’s skin, his swagger, and they swoon, but God looks on the color of Obama’s heart and sees darkness.”

Now, with the weight of God’s Word as my witness, how can any true, born-again minister of God applaud Obama (or his wife, but I’m not talking about her right now)? On Oct. 23, I commented on my Facebook page, “Joshua Dubois, who is supposedly a Pentecostal minister, has authored a book titled, ‘The President’s Devotional.’ It’s supposedly a collection of devotions he sent to Obama daily. … I’d like to know how a true, born-again Pentecostal minister could remotely praise a mendacious liar, an advocate of murdering unborn children, an advocate of homosexual intercourse, and those [are] just for starts.” And don’t give me the old “no one’s perfect” and “we all need Jesus” lines in reference to Obama.

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Joshua Dubois is a minister in the tradition of Jeremiah Wright – what about the other ministers who claim to be born-again men of God and leaders in their community? Can support for murdering unborn children be defined as “goodness and righteousness” displayed as “Fruit of the Spirit”? Forget what Lucifer’s children would try to argue as reasonable; God’s perspective on homosexuality is clearly stated in Leviticus 20:13. God’s word reads: “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. …” God called the act punishable by death with their blood upon them. And yet Obama advocates homosexual marriage and the contamination of our military with the practice of open homosexuality. What do we as Christians follow: the words of God or the words of man?

Obama has done nothing to promote racial harmony. To the contrary, we can document incident after incident of his helping to promote racial disharmony, starting within his own Justice Department.

If we are Christians, the indwelling Holy Spirit of God keeps our minds focused on God and His will. That is undeniable fact. Ergo, I contend there is only one reason for Obama omitting the words “under God” in his version of the Gettysburg Address – he is not a Christian.

If we are children of God, the mind of God is in us. On what level can that be said of Obama?

Black people and black ministers specifically, and pretend-to-be Christians in general, look at the color of Obama’s skin, his swagger, and they swoon, but God looks on the color of Obama’s heart and sees darkness.