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WND Writer Blames The Constitution, Founding Fathers For Looming "Communist Dictatorship"

While WorldNetDaily frequently echoes the Tea Party’s right-wing reading of the Constitution and view of the Founding Fathers, WND’s Robert Ringer actually blames the Founders and the Constitution for the “breakdown” of democracy. Ringer says that the replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution was a disaster for democracy that has ultimately helped President Obama, who Ringer sees as the next Hitler, establish a “communist dictatorship” with his allied “fascistic socialists in Washington”:

Of all the dictators over the past hundred years, I believe Obama's rise to power mirrors that of Adolf Hitler's more than anyone else. I know, I know … I can practically hear readers chuckling. Enslaved people throughout history have a propensity for chuckling – until they wake up one morning and find themselves in chains. So, by all means, feel free to chuckle – but do hear me out.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government of America was very weak – which was a good thing. It was true then, and it's true now: You can have a strong government and a weak people, or a strong people and a weak government – but you cannot have both. Today, we have a draconian, out-of-control government and a very weak people. Arguably, democracy in this country started to break down in 1787 when the Constitution created a strong federal government. It got worse – much worse – under the fascist policies of Woodrow Wilson's reign from 1912 to 1920. Then, beginning in 1932, FDR's failed socialist policies took away even more individual freedom from American citizens. And the final disintegration of true democracy in the U.S. was catalyzed by the left-wing revolutionaries of the '60s.

So if you're wondering how Obama and his Marxist cronies have been able to violate the Constitution as though it didn't exist, the answer is that they are merely taking advantage of the decay of democracy in the U.S. that was already present when they came to power. While Americans have been busy focusing on sports, reality TV, eating out three nights a week and trying to pay their mortgages, the fascistic socialists in Washington have been quietly working to establish a dictatorship based on the ruins of our democracy (which actually began as a republic).

Get it? I hope so. Because if a vast majority of everyday folks don't get it soon, it will be too late. As I have repeatedly said, the debt-ceiling debate is nothing more than a distraction from the real, underlying problem we all face: We are losing our freedom.

Our focus should be on stopping Barack Obama and his Marxist allies in Washington from establishing a communist dictatorship – politely referred to by conservative media commentators as an "imperial presidency." But regardless of what one calls it, the important thing to understand is that under a dictatorship, everything else becomes irrelevant – including the debt-ceiling "crisis" that political junkies are spending so much time fretting about.