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WND Pundit: Trump Can Rally A 'White Army' And The 'White Lives Matter Movement'

Yesterday, WorldNetDaily columnist Ilana Mercer praised Donald Trump for giving voice to members of the “invisible, white army” who are tired of being oppressed by “federal aggression” and immigrants who “have the run of your schools, hospitals, libraries, parks and workplace.”

“Indeed, we members of the informal White Lives Matter movement notice that poor whites in America are very badly off,” she wrote, adding that “this large, mostly white cohort is waiting on the ropes for … Donald Trump.”

WorldNetDaily, of course, is the same far-right, birther outlet that named Trump its “Man of the Year” in 2015. Trump will return the favor by agreeing to speak at an event in March honoring WorldNetDaily’s founder and birther movement leader Joseph Farah.

Omitted at last year’s Fox Business presidential debate Nov. 10 were two loudly whispered secrets. The one was Marco Rubio’s expensing the Republican Party for personal spending. The other: Terrifying data that a large segment of white America was … dying.

Most of us have come across emaciated, gaunt, poor white men and women in our communities; middle-aged, often younger whites standing on the curb, begging for change. Indeed, we members of the informal White Lives Matter movement notice that poor whites in America are very badly off.

But a political whiteout prohibits the candid discussion of their plight. Unless they’re being dubbed throw-away racists, bigots, or has-beens who can’t let go of white privilege – white, working-class America is invisible. It has been so for decades.

If you’re working-class and white, you’re invisible. You have been for decades. You used to be the backbone of the economy. No more. You’re still the backbone of the U.S. military, more likely to die in the service of The State in far-flung countries.

Your love of country is sanctioned provided it is confined to dying in the wars launched by Rome-on-the-Potomac. You may find belonging only by risking your life abroad in the service of strangers, or opening your home to them, stateside. If you survive the combat-to-coffin career path, your love of community will need to encompass a million immigrants, each and every year, who’ll have the run of your schools, hospitals, libraries, parks and workplace. Destined to fight against subsistence farmers in foreign lands, you find yourself harassed on your homesteaded land, at home, never free from federal aggression.

As a share of America’s adult population, Donald Trump’s invisible, white army likely forms less than 48 percent. To them could be added other whites who favor borders and hanker after closely-knit communities and such Burkean peculiarities. I would imagine ranchers Hammond and Bundy are eager to hear from the one candidate who has not called them terrorists.

This large, mostly white cohort is waiting on the ropes for … Donald Trump.