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WND Pundit: Obama Sparked Baltimore Riots To Cancel 2016 Election, Declare Martial Law

Morgan Brittany writes in WorldNetDaily today that the recent riots and demonstrations in Baltimore were all “planned” by President Obama to privilege African-Americans above all others and usher in “the breakdown of our society.” Obama worked with Al Sharpton, Brittany adds, to create “a call to war” and fan “the flames of hate for the police.”

Brittany thinks she has stumbled upon the real end game of Obama’s race-war plan. If the Baltimore police officers who were indicted in the death of Freddie Gray are not convicted, then “perhaps Obama will have to institute martial law to preserve order, form a national police force and postpone the 2016 elections.”

“Crazy? Maybe, but we are on the edge in this country,” she writes. “Attacks are coming from all sides, from inside and outside of our borders, and we are becoming overwhelmed.”

I don’t think the chaos in Baltimore “just happened”; I think it was planned and is the next step in the breakdown of our society. I’m not saying that Freddie Gray, the 25 year old African-American man who died at the start of this was responsible; he was just the catalyst that the anarchists needed. He was the spark that ignited the flames.

This is not new. The playbook for inciting riots and racial division has been followed for years, definitely at a slower pace than we are seeing today – but now the final chapters are being read, and the climax is imminent.

Ever since the election of Barack Obama, racial tensions have ramped up. He was supposed to be the one to unite all Americans and heal the divide, but instead, he did everything he could to turn the heat up and make sure the divide became wider. He surrounded himself with racially divisive people in his administration like Attorney General Eric Holder. He inserted himself into every controversy that had a racial component, like the incident in July of 2009 with the Cambridge police, the Trayvon Martin case, Ferguson and more. And whether right or wrong, even before evidence was presented, he always took the side of the African-American. It became obvious that his concern was not for all Americans but a select few. In an attempt to show “African-Americans” that he cared, he instead succeeded in tearing off the scab of old wounds from the 1960s and fanning the flames of hate for the police.

Once the seeds were planted again, he teamed up with Al Sharpton who became a regular at the White House. Certainly their meetings were not about how to heal the divide after each racial crisis, because the rhetoric Sharpton spewed was a call to war!

From now until the verdict in this trial, the agitators will continue to travel and communicate city to city, town to town, stirring up unrest and hate, keeping people on edge waiting to see the result of this cliff-hanger. If the verdict is not what they want, perhaps Obama will have to institute martial law to preserve order, form a national police force and postpone the 2016 elections.

Crazy? Maybe, but we are on the edge in this country. Attacks are coming from all sides, from inside and outside of our borders, and we are becoming overwhelmed. What happens when Baltimore spreads across the country and our television screens show four or five cities burning at once? Who will we turn to at that point? “One Nation under God” – we need Him now more than ever.